Is an indispensable tool to teach students, most schools, colleges and universities have a board as an immediate tool in their classrooms.
Is an indispensable tool to teach students, most schools, colleges and universities have a board as an immediate tool in their classrooms.
Is required to have the board clean, the teacher must have a legible and orderly letter and don't write in capitals, learners need to know when capitals are necessary and when they are not.
What sort of things will be put on the board?
What you will want to put on your board will probably fall into one of the following categories:
Permanent or reference material
Usually the teachers always put reminders, or use the board to give the introduction to the class in a visual form, it is also important the board because it is in front of the students and all the time they are looking at it, so It is important to use it to put lessons learned, important posters or reminders.
Material for the development of the lesson.
This will be the material that relates to the stage of the lesson you have reached at any one moment. It could be pictures you are using to illustrate a story, an expression the students are practicing saying. A sentence, a song they need to memorize, this depends on the lesson and the time to review it.
Impromptu work
Impromptu work
Usually happens that things do not go as planned, this usually happens a lot and more when it comes to the use of the internet or technological devices, it may happen that they do not work. The board is a tool that allows me to do the class differently when things do not turn out well and perform the class without any problem. ¿What should I do in this situation? The board is a perfect tool and it does not fail, if we have the knowledge the teaching is done.
Notes and reminders
All the teachers use the most common means of communication that are the notes, these are very useful since the teacher as the students need to remember new activities to perform or old activities to remember, it is important to place these notes in an appropriate place in the Which does not interfere with the normal flow of the class. It is essential that you plan the board and decide which part you are going to allocate to which use. Include a plan of the board in your lesson plan and refer to use of the board in specific stages of the lesson.
It is essential that you plan the board and decide which part you are going to allocate to which use. Include a plan of the board in your lesson plan and refer to use of the board in specific stages of the lesson. The 'development' area is likely to be the largest so that will probably command the central part. The 'permanent' area is the most predictable and should be easy to plan for. It might be helpful to separate the different parts of the board by drawing lines: it reduces confusion.
At what stage in the lesson should the board be used?
Often the writing stage is consolidation of oral work and comes after listening to and saying the language, At this time students are willing to practice what they learn and strengthen their knowledge through practice.
How can you make the best use of the board?
Use colour to make the board look attractive and its contents memorable. Use your board as a temporary display area. You can attach pictures, diagrams.
Give a striking title to the unit, and write it on the blackboard with large letters that occupy all the space, but then we have to erase it.
Let's change some words for drawings, use comic resources, simple faces and emoticons to express emotion.
As long as the students participate in the class dynamics, write their contributions on the board, this motivates them.
Do not mix content. Put keywords, and simple schemes.
Helps memory and attention to write a great conclusion of the class subject.
The blackboard
![Resultado de imagen para el tablero de escuela](
![Resultado de imagen para tiza png](
The board is and will remain the main tool of study and learning for
students. So it is a tool considered old, is always going to profile as the most indispensable element in a classroom. The priority for a teacher is to promote a quality learning, taking into account styles and learning rhythms, the board is not a tool that develops the exploration of other technological tools, if you build a first step are the basic knowledge referred to Theory where if the board is used in all its versions, since it is always important to know before doing. Make a first knowledge before the production. In addition to being important for teachers, is even more important for students since this tool allows students interaction, communication, allows students to be more focused on the teacher's explanation. Includes a space where you can interact with the lesson, receive the contributions of the whole class, consultation about doubts and procedures. It also allows students to have spaces for recreation, where different skills can be acquired for their development.The board can also innovate and build different strategies for students to enjoy the class and not be bored, and feel that the classes are always the same, this depends a lot on the teacher and their ability to keep the interest in their students, apart from this student can also actively participate in the class as creating games or dynamics with the lesson and to learn by leaving aside the long and bizarre lessons as always.
Finally, I emphasize that in a classroom class alternative media could be lacking, such as the projector, or computers, or a large library, but what should never be missing is a great and comfortable board for the understanding of knowledge.
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Making study material is a part of being a teacher that I really like and enjoy when I do it, since I love crafts and I always try to like students a lot and enjoy it to the fullest. As a teacher I have always thought that it is important to engage students with their own processes. Making our own materials helps to internalize the lesson, allow us to enjoy a different leisure time than the common lessons, allows us to invent and reinvent and find a balance between what the students and the teacher want. A difficult lesson can also be easy if our creativity we take more than a notebook, words or the board. Our own creations allow us to face constant learning challenges, where the most benefited is the student, since he learns at the same time that he enjoys the activities carried out. Games, lesson sheets, posters, images, crafts that in addition to learning develop other skills in the student and that could develop at other times of his life, since these lessons are seldom forgotten.
Designing materials on many occasions can become a challenge for both students and teachers since today everything is done, and since the internet is available, it is longer possible to think about strategies or creativity is no longer allowed Because the internet solves everything
Enjoy group activities, interact with our classmates, worry not only about what I am interested in learning, but also help in the weaknesses of other classmates and create strategies for a better understanding and reinforcement of the most difficult lessons to learn for students.
In addition, this type of material can be reused and reinforced the lesson as many times as you want.
Learning fruits and vegetablespronunciation.
Differentiate textures, smells and tastes.
Learning fruits and vegetablespronunciation.
Differentiate textures, smells and tastes.
This activity seemed very important since it allows not only to understand and learn words, but also can offer another type of learning as it is to be able to feel different sensations, to differentiate textures, to develop the senses with more precision.
On the other hand, it was a different activity, to the normal activities that allowed to review the lesson, to review pronunciation and recognition without being able to visualize previously.
This makes the students feel more interested in the activity and focus their attention to the maximum.
Activities done in class
Output Alphabet soup
Exercise with a song Body parts
Material for the development of the lesson.
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